To express oneself via gestures of writing makes us enter the silence of thoughts because, at the very moment when we write, the past and the future no longer exist. The time of a vagabond and dispersed thought is over. Time is a thought, with a “before” – the “past“, and an “after”- the “future”. Here, with each stroke of a pen, time is constantly renewed. Renewing oneself allows us to come out of a repetitive and tiring memory. In this sense, writing is equivalent to the Sitting of the Buddha. The attitude of the body-mind must be correct, body and mind are totally engaged to the point that the writing enters us and we re-write ourselves. By rewriting ourselves, we get to know ourselves. It’s like standing in front of a mirror to contemplate ourselves. Through writing, we can correct ourselves, observe all aspects of our mind. When writing, you do not try to be a good calligrapher or to succeed in “beautiful writing”.
What is important is giving letters their true character and our spirit its true space of peace and happiness. The writing will become beautiful by itself, when our disruptive obstacles will turn into cloud and water.
This style was borrowed from the American Spencerian and Zanerian styles, which themselves are based on the English copperplate and the French ornamental style.
“Cloud and water” is our nature of being in this world because everything is empty of nature and flows without leaving any traces