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Introduction to Zazen (in English)

6. 3. | 19:0021:00

Zazen Brno

“Zen is just sitting. Zen is just exactly zazen.”
-Master Taisen Deshimaru

What does it mean to sit zazen? How do we sit, and how do we conduct ourselves in the dojo? And how does it influence the way we move through the everyday world?

– Practical introduction to the posture.
– Short sitting.
– Questions and answers connected with the practice of Zen.

The event will be led by bodhisattva Danse du Bonheur (Michael Lieberman). It will be conducted in English, with the possibility of translation into Czech.

Please bring comfortable pants suitable for seated meditation: sweatpants are ideal, jeans strongly discouraged.

Suggested donation: 150 Kč.


6. 3.
19:00 – 21:00
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Místo konání

Centrum Mjódži
třída Kapitána Jaroše 26
Brno, Česká republika
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